Fast Fashion Kills

“In a crisis, you adapt and change your behavior.”

--- Greta Thunberg


--- 格蕾塔·桑伯格

· Highlights

Originally published 2020/05/01

Fast fashion, a contemporary term that’s used to describe mass production of inexpensive clothing. For meeting the latest trends and demands has led to affordability, but unsustainability.


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People shopping at Primark, which is one of the biggest fast-fashion retailers in the world.

(Photo: UN Environment Program)


Why is it called “fast” fashion? In fast fashion, garment production is fast due to its massive scale, people purchase garments fast because of their low cost, and garments get discarded fast, as they are not made to last.


If you frequently buy economical clothing, from the Z store, the H store, or the U store. You are either a saver (good for you) or someone that doesn’t want to commit to a piece of clothing. Some people are intrigued by fast fashio solely because they like the idea of wearing something and then tossing it in the trash in a week or two.

如果你常在熟知的某Z、H或U等连锁店购入平价服装,那你可能是个省钱小能手,亦或是想尝试不同的穿衣风格。快时尚的“快、准、狠” 刺激着我们的消费冲动,即便许多衣服没穿几次就被丢进了垃圾桶。

Fashion at a Cost 需求背后的代价

Because of the growing demand for more affordable and trendier clothing, garment production has approximately doubled since 2000, and fast fashion is taking a toll on the environment. According to relevant statistics, 85% of ALL textiles are disposed into landfills yearly. This massive amount of textile waste is enough to fill the Sydney Harbor. Since most garments in fast fashion are made of nonbiodegradable materials, like polyester and nylon, they can take up to 200 years to decompose.


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Photo: Getty Images. 图片来源:盖帝图像

Moreover, the washing of synthetic textiles, such as polyester (essentially a plastic fiber), releases 500,000 tons of microplastic particles into the oceans annually. It is equivalent to 50 billion plastic bottles. according to a study that was conducted by The University of California, Santa Barbara,

Every time a synthetic jacket is washed ~1.7 grams of microplastic particles are released from the washing machine. 40% of these particles still enter our water bodies after traveling through wastewater treatment plants.


The marine plastic pollution that this has led to is particularly posing a threat to marine life. Firstly, some marine species indiscriminately interact with all particles within the ocean through their gills. Once microplastics are captured and accumulated in the gills, they are extremely difficult to get rid of.


Moreover, as microplastics resemble some of the organic matters that marine animals feed on. They are often mistaken for food and ingested marine animals that accidentally ingest a substantial amount of microplastics often die before reproductive age due to gastrointestinal blockages, organ stress, or inability to breathe.


It doesn’t end here among the 114 aquatic species that have been found to contain microplastics, over half ends up being our meals. Right now, as you are reading this, your gut may be processing some delicious microplastics if you have a fish-rich diet.


Although the effect of microplastics on human health hasn’t been confirmed yet due to the lack of research options,We do know that the chemicals that plastics often come with, such as flame retardants, stiffeners, and water repellants, can lead to abnormal hormonal function, weight gain, birth defect or even cancer. Scientists predict that more experimental findings will be obtained in 5-10 years, but by then at least another 25 million tons of plastic will enter our oceans, and harm our marine life.


You don’t need another polyester shirt (It honestly isn’t worth your money because it has no breathability and durability).

Our oceans don’t need another polyester shirt.

Our marine animals don’t need another polyester shirt.


What You Can Do To Help 举手之劳,未来之光

Next time when shopping for new clothes, primarily aim for sustainability. If you like living on this planet avoid fast fashion labels that sacrifice sustainability for the bucks, and look for garments that are made of eco-friendly fibers.

These include:

  • Plant-based fibers such as cotton, linen, and ramie
  • Animal-based fibers like responsible wool, responsible cashmere, and silk
  • Recycled fibers including recycled polyester and recycled nylon
  • Semi-synthetic fibers like pineapple fiber and sustainable bamboo


  • 以植物产出的棉花、亚麻及苎麻
  • 符合责任标准的羊毛、羊绒及丝绸
  • 循环利用的聚酯及尼龙
  • 半合成的菠萝及竹纤维
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The criteria for eco-friendly fibers. // 对于环境友好衣料的评判标准。

Photo: SustainYourStyle, 图片来源:SustainYourStyle

You can also improve the sustainability of your wardrobe by buying second-hand clothing, and learning how to sew from scratch.


On a hopeful note, a part of the fashion industry is realizing that it desperately needs sustainability. From individuals to big companies, many in the fashion industry are taking initiative by turning problems into opportunities. Actress Maggie Q, who gained fame through the TV show “Nikita”, has a whole athleisure line that’s made out of recycled plastic.



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Maggie Q’s Ocean Tie-Dye Project. // 李美琪的海洋服装扎染项目。

(Photo: Medicine World Council) //(图片:世界医药委员会)

The same approach was taken by the fast-fashion retailer H&M. Its Conscious Collection, which used a type of fabric that’s synthesized from ocean plastic waste, was launched back in 2019 to make fast fashion more sustainable.


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H&M’s Conscious Collection. // H&M的Conscious系列,皆采用环保有机材料制作。

(Photo: H&M)


At the end of the day, we, as consumers of fashion, can decide its future.

YOU get to decide its future. It’s time to prioritize sustainability over.

Style, Price, and Brand,

As we must save our oceans

At their last gasp.





Sources 信息来源

DeSantis, L., 2019. This New Athleisure Line By Actress Maggie Q Is Made From Recycled Plastic, But You Would Never Know It. [online] Health. Available at:[Accessed 29 April 2020].

Gaitho, M., n.d. Killer Fashion: Fashion Kills Marine Life!. [online] Fabric of the world. Available at:[Accessed 29 April 2020].

Help Save Nature. n.d. Effects Of Plastic On Marine Life. [online] Available at:[Accessed 29 April 2020].

Mallon, S., 2018. Fashion Brands Are Trying To Save Our Marine Life. [online] Longevity. Available at:[Accessed 29 April 2020]

McFall-Johnsen, M., 2019. The Fashion Industry Emits More Carbon Than International Flights and Maritime Shipping Combined. Here Are The Biggest Ways It Impacts The Planet.. [online] Business Insider. Available at:[Accessed 29 April 2020].

Panna, G., 2017. The Impact Of The Fashion And Beauty Industries On Marine Life. [online] Vilda Magazine. Available at:[Accessed 29 April 2020].

Pegasus. 2019. The Effect Of Plastic Pollution On Marine Life. [online] Available at:[Accessed 29 April 2020].

Royte, E., 2018. We Know Plastic Is Harming Marine Life. What About Us?. [online] National Geographic. Available at:[Accessed 29 April 2020].

SustainYourStyle. n.d. Fashion's Environmental Impact. [online] Available at:[Accessed 29 April 2020].

SustainYourStyle. n.d. Our Fiber Eco-Review. [online] Available at:[Accessed 29 April 2020].

Cover Photo: Rasande Tyskar via Creative Commons