• WildLifesOurLives

    for what it's worth, it's never too late

  • About US

    We are a teenage-led non-profit platform affiliated with the Habitat Watcher Foundation (501(c)(3).


    Although wildlife conservation remains a vague idea formany, it is vitally connected with every aspect of our life. We live under the same sky, breathe the same air, and share same ground with these animals. Their home is our home. Protecting animals is guarding the future of our own; without them, we just could not exsist.


    Consisting of highschool students around the world, WLOL has two main team located at Beijing, China, and Seattle, WA, USA.


    On top of that, WLOL has estbalished Action Club at JPED Academy (Beijing), Annie Wright School (WA), American Heirtage School (FL), Beijing World Youth Academy, and Beijing Xin Xue Dao Linchuan School.

  • Key Achievements





    Original articles, interviews, creative videos, and comic arts published on Wechat.



    2000+ USD

    Recieved in personal donations

    Fortune 500 Company

    Collaberated with China Ming Sheng Bank; raised fund and released debit cards desinged by us.

    47 Members

    Based in China, United States, and The United Kingdom.

    5 Schools

    Collaborating with 5 schools to promote campus biodiversity

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    Based in JPED Academy, WLOL Beijing team consists of 30 passionate high school students with big dreams to change the world, starting from positively influencing China's public opinion on wildlife conservation.

    “Wildlife protection recognizes no borders, because we all share one home.”

    --Simba, 2019

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    Our Story

    In 2020, 15 teenagers from all over the world who share the same belief came together to form WildLifesOurLives (WLOL).

    We cherish nature, animals, and people. We cherish life.

    So we stopped complaining and started doing.

    One small step we take, one giant leap will come from more.

    For the endangered animals!

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    Our Goal

    We are not justprotecting animals, but protecting
    humanity too. We aim to amplify the importance and urgency of wildlife conservation (especially in China where related discourses are trivial) and
    enourage actions, no matter big or small.

  • platform

    Follow us on Wechat for the latest content on environmental conservations!

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